Reclaim Your Confidence with Personalized Men’s Sexual Health Solutions
Revive your vitality with discreet, personalized treatments for men’s sexual health. From ED solutions like Sildenafil and Tadalafil to PT-141 peptide therapy, our experts provide care on your terms—via video, phone, or secure messaging. Book your consultation today!

Your Health & Your Sexual Health
Sexual health is extremely important to the overall mental and physical wellness of both men and women, yet is a topic that can be uncomfortable to discuss and because of this can be neglected. With our mission of accessibility in mind, we provide both synchronous (audio/visual) visits and asynchronous (no face to face contact with a provider) visits to address, diagnose and treat certain sexual health complaints such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, both of which can be EXTREMELY common at all age groups.
You are not alone, we are here for you, reach out to one of our experienced providers via a synchronous or asynchronous visit and let us create a custom solution that other online platforms simply cannot do.
**A face to face visit with a provider is not required for sexual health visits. You may choose a video visit or a phone call from a provider at the time you schedule. If you do not want to see or speak with a provider, book a visit for any day or time. You will receive an intake form and you can select the appropriate option for no visit. We will review your forms and speak with you on our messaging portal**

Sildenafil (sold under the brand name Viagra) is an FDA approved medication used in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. It is also used off label for premature ejaculation and can be used in female sexual arousal disorder as well. Sildenafil is in the class of medications called phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors. When PDE5 becomes inhibited, there is relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in the penis leading to erection. Sildenafil works best when taken on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before sexual activity. Sildenafil is not meant for daily use. It can be offered in various forms and can be combined with other medications for increased effect.

Tadalafil (sold under the brand name Cialis) is an FDA approved medication used in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. It is also used off label for premature ejaculation. Tadalafil is in the class of medications called phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors. When PDE5 becomes inhibited, there is relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in the penis leading to erection. Tadalafil can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. Tadalafil can be taken as needed or daily, it can be offered in various forms, and it can be combined with other medications for increased effect

PT 141
PT-141 is a synthetic peptide analogue that stimulates melanocortin receptors primarily in the central nervous system. Studies have shown that systemic administration in men with or without erectile dysfunction can lead to increases in arousal and erectile activity. This peptide (also known as Bremelanotide) is FDA approved for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women, when the cause is not due to medical problems, psychiatric disorders or relationship trouble. PT-141 is a subcutaneous injection taken 30-60 minutes before sexual activity and can be combined with other medications for increased effect.
Are you ready for a change?
If you qualify you can get your medications in just a few days.
We make it fast and easy to get the meds you need!